Friday, March 25, 2011

Plant Growth Update and Visitors In My Garden

So, before I actually write about all the new things, I want to post all the stuff that happened before that I have pictures of.

-One of the thymes I had in an SIP somehow started to air layer on its own. Without media being on what I assume must have been a cut. Pretty weird to see, especially since it's only about a centimeter and a half above the media.

I "planted" a few Jade plant leaves from my parent's house.  One had roots already growing out of it even though it was just lying on concrete for a day or two. I have three, but I only took a photo of two of them.  They've actually all sprouted roots, but as I've read, they take ages to actually get anywhere so it'll probably be a good long while before they actually do much of anything....

I found a little guest in my garden. Two actually, but only one had started using one of my plants as an all you can buffet. I found some holes on my lemon verbena, but couldn't find the culprit. The next day I did some thorough checking and found a little caterpillar on the underside of one of the leaves.  It hadn't done too much damage, but since it's a transplant, I'm none to keen on having it devouring my entire plant for lunch. I picked a few leaves and stuck the little freeloader in an old jam jar. I know that sounds harsh, but I'm not so happy to share my lemon verbena since I haven't even gotten to try the darn thing yet myself... I will let it go once it either transforms or starts looking sick... away from my lemon verbena...

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